2022年3月– date –
[IMPRESSED IELTS5.0 -> 7.5]I recommend EnglishCentral for its 7 awesome points!
Hi, I'm @Ebinstein and I'm learning English. In this article, I introduce my best English learning method, which I finally arrived at after trying various methods such as apps and books, as I used to have a hard time learning English. I ... -
【視野狭窄の罠】クリティカルシンキングの大切さ その①
こんにちは、英語ネイティブになりたいEbinsteinです。この記事では、日本人よくありがちな思考を考察し、その改善のためのクリティカルシンキングの大切さをお話ししたいと思います。全6回の記事になり、今回はその第1回です。 クリティカルシンキング全... -
[IELTS Writing]Four things I did to dramatically increase from 5.0 to 7.5
Speaking of IELTS writing, it is a very difficult field where it is said that even native speakers can only get 7.0 (without countermeasures). But I was able to get 7.5 with IELTS writing! Moreover, it is extremely cost-effective. I have...